Monday, September 17, 2007

And the Magic Eight Ball says..

Ask again later..

Reply hazy, try again..

Better not to tell you..

Cannot predict now..

The Magic Eight Ball sucks.

I realize that it was my choice not to find out the sex of the baby, but the suspense is killing me! I think my head might explode. No, really. I'm not exaggerating. I am not handling this well at all.

It's funny, I had no problem last time. I happily plodded along, excited about the Big Surprise at the end of journey. Possibly, it's because I was sure that the baby was a boy. (Hey, I was right.) You could try to tell me that there was a 50/50 chance that the baby would be a girl, and I would calmly agree. And quietly disagree. It was a HE. I knew. I also had a dream that I gave birth to a very swarthy baby with a beard. My biggest dilemma was - how exactly does one shave the face of a newborn baby? Should I be signing him up for the circus?? Still, it was a HE. No doubt about it.

This time, I am just not sure. I thought I would get the same feeling that I did last time. Strong. Certain. Absolute.

I got nothing.

This is not a good time to have just finished reading Middlesex, by the way. As if I didn't have enough to freak out about. I'm not too picky about whether the baby is a boy or a girl, but I will admit to a preference for it to be one sex OR the other, given a choice.

Mr Earth will assure you that this baby is another boy. He claims he only has male sperm. Okaaaayy. Scientifically, I would probably agree with him. The day we conceived Baby Earth, I thought that we were past the magic 3-day Fertile Window. (Apparently, we weren't.) Which means, that Baby Earth was most likely conceived on my Most Fertile day. Boy spermies are the fastest swimmers, erego it's probably a boy. (Is this too much sharing? I never know.)

Still, sometimes I get the strongest feeling that the baby is in fact, a girl. If I was forced to guess right now, that is the guess that I would make. Do I believe this because I want a girl? Maybe, but I don't think so. I honestly don't have a preference. I can see the pros and cons of each. A girl would be easier to name. I have a LOT of boy clothes. I'd like to have one of each. I love saying "my boys" instead of "my kids". I think I have a lot to learn from mothering a girl. I think I would be a better mother to two boys. I don't care!! But I want to know. Or, at least, feel like I know.

People at the office are quick to point out that I am "carrying differently". That I'm rounder (read: fatter) all around, instead of just having a basketball in place of a stomach like last time. I'd like to say that's an indication, but I really think it's just the dreadful Baroness von Fat making her daily appearance.

There was this one time in the doctor's office where Mr Earth made his typical "male sperm only" joke, and the doctor said it "could be the other". I don't think that she was speaking in code or anything, but I got a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. The last time I got that feeling was when Mr Earth drunkenly pointed to a just married couple and said "I want that to be us one day", and I said "I do too". Look what happened there..



Girlplustwo said...

go easy on the magic eight ball. it comes up right just when you least expect it too. or just keep shaking it till you get the answer you want. i do that all the time.

kittenpie said...

Is it too late to find out, really? Have any ultrasounds coming up? I couldn't possibly imagine that suspense wouldn't kill me, so I'd never choose not to know. I'm too impatient. I am always trying to give misterpie his christmas gifts weeks too early because I just can't wait!

painted maypole said...

i heard there was some trick you could do with a string dangling above your belly... very scientific, I know, but at least a bit different than the magic 8 ball

Christine said...

i love magic eight balls.

and middlesex was a great book, but i know what you mean about have one or the other--not BOTH.

Bon said...

waiting is hard, hard, hard.

exciting, but hard. it would eat at me and i would eventually drive myself round the bend having little internal conversations about logic and chance and the pros and cons of both sexes but the truth is deep down i've always had a preference and so i prefer to know so that i can get my grief over never having one of that flavour out of the way and focus on being excited about the little creature i AM having. or would be having, if i were pregnant. which i am not, for the record. ;)

i think if your doc said "could be the other," i'd be raising an eyebrow...

i so wish it didn't matter, because in the big picture it doesn't. but in the day to day...hell, it does.

Bon said...

waiting is hard, hard, hard.

exciting, but hard. it would eat at me and i would eventually drive myself round the bend having little internal conversations about logic and chance and the pros and cons of both sexes but the truth is deep down i've always had a preference and so i prefer to know so that i can get my grief over never having one of that flavour out of the way and focus on being excited about the little creature i AM having. or would be having, if i were pregnant. which i am not, for the record. ;)

i think if your doc said "could be the other," i'd be raising an eyebrow...

i so wish it didn't matter, because in the big picture it doesn't. but in the day to day...hell, it does.

Bon said...

sorry for the double. my computer is misbehaving.

Unknown said...

I can only imagine the suspense you're enduring. Wow. I've heard the wives' tales about determining the baby's sex and personally debunked some of them with my own pregnancy. I'm so impatient, I can only wish you well in your waiting.

b*babbler said...

Yikes. I never had any strong feeling, and then we ended up finding out (from the many many many ultrasounds I ended up having. Ugh!) Peanut was just determined to show off the goods.

If you really wanted to know though, and couldn't wait, could you maybe look into those independent ultrasound places? I have no idea the cost, but it could relieve the pressure.

And I hear you on the Middlesex book!

cinnamon gurl said...

It drove me nuts when I was pregnant... even though I suspected it was a boy until around seven months when I suddenly switched and thought it was a girl.

I love what you say about wanting a girl but also wanting a boy... I like the idea of saying my boys too. Did you read Danigirl's post today about having another boy? Stunning stuff...

But sorry, no real help here.

moplans said...

I was going to resist the second time too but caved.
Good thing. I was planning on a boy.
I felt like I knew with my first in the last days before she was born.
You'll know soon! and for god's sake woman stop reading my blog you will be traumatised.

Kyla said...

Who knows. We had to find out. I am just not built for that kind of suspense.

I will just say, that the second time, you might be subconsciously rooting for one or the other, and therefore feel more strongly that it is that which you are secretly rooting for.

Suz said...

My husband has always said that he has "just male sperm." He's the 4th of four boys and all his brothers have boys. Guess what we have...yup, boys.

Beck said...

Does your face look different? With my girls, I swear that my nose looked podgy and there IS that old wive's tale that says that your looks will change while you're prengnat with a girl. If your face looks fairly unchanged, than its probably a boy. And then there's this test to determine your baby's sex:
Yep, I AM Doctor Science.

Mad said...

You're right about the male sperm being faster swimmers. I swear that Miss M was conceived the day after my period ended. She was the result of the pokey-est sperm in the wad. Now that, my friend, is sharing too much.

I know that it is frustrating now but my guess is when Jr pops out and you hear "its a ..." your heart will overflow and you will think back fondly on these second-guessed days of intuition.

LoryKC said...

When I told my hubbie we were expecting #2, I bought "It's a Boy" and "It's a Girl" balloons. The girl balloon floated proudly for days while the boy balloon, bounced, drooped, wiggled on the floor, tried to float again...

...and #2 was a boy!
I've already caved and found that #3 will be a boy. I have found that with both boys, I've carried more out front like a basketball! I was, indeed, "rounder" with my daughter!

Good Luck!

crazymumma said...

I know. The suspense.

mr earth is pretty funny.

karengreeners said...

forget about what other people say - everybody that looks at me tells me i'm carrying a boy. i wonder what's so different about the bod this time (maybe don't answer that).

i'm getting girl vibes.

bren j. said...

Interesting. When I was pregnant I had this horrible feeling that The Little Goat would come out er, 'undetermined.' Didn't happen, though I REALLY REALLY wanted a boy! And that feeling was AFTER I already knew the Goat was a girl. Hm. Does that mean I should've called her the Little Nanny? Oi.

A couple nights ago, I had a dream that we woke up the next morning and The Little Goat had grown 8 teeth overnight! That didn't happen either.

Anyway, you don't have much time left so hang in there!

NotSoSage said...

Loved Middlesex. Loved it.

I can understand how you're feeling. For me, I think I would be more anxious this time around because we're likely only having two. I would be so impatient to find out what our family make-up was going to be. Whereas with the first, it's all so new.

Hang in there, Mama...

Kat said...

What a great blog! I'm a first timer, and I must say I dig it.
Every pregnancy has been completely different for me and I have 3 boys. I don't really believe in the whole carrying high, food cravings, or any other "old wives tale" predicting the sex. Have you gone to It is supposed to predict the sex. It has been right with everyone I know but it was wrong with my third boy. Either way, it is kinda fun. Try it out. I certainly couldn't wait to find out the sex. My impatience and need to plan everything made it impossible for me to wait.
Good luck!

N. said...

I too KNEW #1 was a boy. And with the same conviction I KNEW #2 was a girl. Right up till the baby was birthed and I saw his penis.

I think if you really really want a specific gender you should NOT find out first. Because you'll be disappointed if the baby is the other gender. Whereas if you find out at birth, you are just so relieved to be done that you are simply happy it's human and not an SUV.

Mimi said...

Oh geez. I went through this with Munchkin when I was about 30 weeks pregnant. Waiting is hard.

It sucks, actually, but soon ... soon ...

Susanne said...

Well, in response to what Mad Hatter said, I have to say that my son was conceived just after my period had ended too. And for feelings, my husband was sure it was a boy (because obviously all men in his family have only male sperm apart from his brother who had two girls after the two boys). I, on the other hand was definitely sure it was a girl. I'm glad I found out quite early.

ewe are here said...

I remember finding a magic 8 ball under the christmas tree one year with my name on it!

Hmmmm. My pool money would have to go with the odds: boy. Because (a) they are slightly more 'common', and (b) you already have one, which increases the odds slightly for a second one. (Heck, if I were to have a third, I understand it's 80% likely that I'd have another boy....)

I'm with you on the naming thing though.... I have so many lovely girl names I love. Boy names take a lot more work.